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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Sundays Reserved for you - Ideas Fiesta at the City Botanic Gardens

photo of the decorated Brisbane City Botanic Gardens

Strolling over to the City Botanic Gardens, a wall of indie Art greeted visitors along the fence. The sounds of smooth jazz enticed people to come through the gates to see that the gardens were especially decorated for the day. A range of seating options including a bright red sofa and bright red rugs were laid out on the grass with long strings of little patchwork hearts hanging from the trees. It was quite a sight to see and I took advantage of this later, by taking some great shots with my mobile phone to use for my blog photo

A bit further in, furniture design students from the Queensland University of Technology displayed their concepts for future seating in the park, inspired by nature. Visitors were asked to make their vote for their favourite moveable chair, to help Brisbane City Council understand how people would like to experience their time in the gardens. They were also asked about any more ideas they had to shape the whole city centre. I think it's a great way to develop the city - taking account of all the opinions of the community.

lovers embracing

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